and more...

Hyandai IAA

Tim John – Atelier für Szenografie, and NEOANALOG designed a human-sized kaleidoscope that can be entered by visitors. This project was commissioned by Hyundai for the IAA automotive fair in Frankfurt, Germany. I did the making-of teaser for this project.


for Tim John


Key visuals for the project an online tool where you can upload and preview 360° screenshots. Unfortunately, this project was never launched.
key visuals


for Eugene Krivoruchko

KBD Engineering

A while ago, I was doing some freelance jobs for the KBD-Engineering company. I visualized some of their heavy-industry machines and put together their website working with a small team.
3D visualization

2012 - 2016

for KBD-Engineering

Teheran Tabu

TEHERAN TABU, Ali Soozandeh's debut film, is about three self-confident women and a young musician, whose lives intersect in the schizophrenic world of the Iranian capital, Tehran. Sex, corruption, drugs and prostitution go hand in hand with strict religious laws in this seething metropolis. Circumventing prohibitions becomes everyday sport and breaking taboos becomes individual self-realization.”

I had a chance to be a part of the production team for this beautiful movie. For a couple of months, I worked on 3D parts like the creation of the city and the blocking of environments for some of the backdrops.
film production


for Little Dream Entertainment


Ape Street

Ape Street was my first experimental music video, done during a vacation in my hometown of  Narva, Estonia. Together with Ape Livin (music) and Dom Studio (general assistance), we played with a stop-motion effect in an abandoned building. It was a wonderful time back then, with tons of incredible stories during the production :)
music video experiment


Ape Livin
Dom Studio

The Cost Of Resistance

In 2014, we took delivery of a new motion capture system at KISD – the university where I studied. I was one of the first students to try out the hardware and its potentialities. It was my first time using MoCap, culminating in the (unofficial) music video Cost of Resistance, by Norwegian band Xploding Plastix. Anna Pavlova performed the beautiful dance that I was able to capture.
motion capturing trial


student project at KISD

first trial of photogrammetry 

My first use of photogrammetry was in 2014. Together with Hannes Hummel, I did some tests with the 123d catch 3D-scanning mobile tool. We scanned some of the statues in Römisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne. It was a small test, but an important one. Later I discovered, together with Slow Bros., how we can approach this technique in our upcoming game Harold Halibut.



The word ‘tensegrity’ is a neologism coined by Buckminster Fuller that is a contraction of two words: ‘tension’ and ‘integrity’. The classic tensegrity structures represent a subset of rod-bar-systems. They consist of a discontinuous system of struts supported by a continuous system of tension rods in equilibrium. The prestressed ropes form a network with a continuous tension around the non-contiguous bars and create a stable, three-dimensional structure.

Tensegrity was my Intermediate Project at KISD, which I worked on together with Kosma Korczynski. We tried to understand the working principle of tensegrity and to design our own structures. As a result, we wrote documentation about the theory of the system and our own practical experience and built prototypes, which you can see below.
Intermediate Project 


with Kosma Korczynski


A cute animation I did as an assignment for my admission application Köln International School of Design. The topic of the assignment was the word ‘Risiko’ ( risk’ in English). The applicants were able to create anything design-related in association with the subject. It is not my most polished work, yet it was an important milestone in my professional career path.
flash animation